Qun Wang

Qun Wang

Senior Advisor

Ms. Qun Wang joined the Shanghai New Energy Industry Association (SNEIA) in 2008 after she received her Master’s Degree. Since then, she has been in charge of the international affairs of the association and the conference part of the world’s largest PV trade show, SNEC PV POWER EXPO.

She started to work for the Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APVIA) in 2009, which is headquartered in Singapore, as its China office is located in SNEIA. Since January of 2018, she has also worked for the Global Solar Council (GSC) secretariat.

Through more than ten years of experience serving the new energy industry, especially solar energy, she is excited to see that given the progress of the penetration of PV technologies, solar energy has established itself as the green/renewable energy provider which possesses the greatest opportunity to replace fossil fuels. And she will continue to devote herself to promote solar, as well as other renewable energy, for a greener planet.