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ABSOLAR defends more Brazilian leadership in solar power at the International Solar Alliance


In a message recorded to ISA’s third general assembly, the Minister of Mines and Energy of Brazil, Bento Albuquerque, highlighted the essential role of solar photovoltaic in the low-carbon energy transition

ABSOLAR highlights that Brazil has one of the best solar resources on the planet and can accelerate its sustainable, economic and social development through solar

São Paulo, November 2020 – The Brazilian Solar Photovoltaic Energy Association (ABSOLAR) defends the conclusion of Brazil's accession to the International Solar Alliance (ISA), an intergovernmental coalition that brings together nations with the best solar resources on the planet. The measure would be strategic to increase Brazilian leadership in the use and development of solar photovoltaic (PV) globally.

For ABSOLAR's CEO, Rodrigo Sauaia, Brazil’s full membership at ISA will open the doors for the country to benefit from multilateral programs and actions in the areas of financing, incentive programs, public policies, regulation, business models, technology and research and development, among others.

“Brazil is a renowned global leader in other renewable sources: we hold the 2nd position in the world ranking in hydropower, 2nd in biomass and 8th in wind power. Nevertheless, despite having one of the best solar resources on the planet, Brazil is still lagging behind other countries in solar PV. We finished 2019 in 16th place in the world ranking for solar PV, well below our immense potential. We need to change that reality and our full participation in ISA will help us to incorporate the best international practices, accelerate the development of solar PV in our country and position ourselves as a relevant player in this increasingly strategic sector to humanity”, highlights Sauaia.

A similar view was shared by the Minister of Mines and Energy of Brazil, Bento Albuquerque, in a recorded message to the third ISA general assembly, held recently. According to the minister, solar energy plays an essential role in the transition to a low-carbon future and in promoting energy security in the world. “Solar is rapidly consolidating as a secure and affordable source. In fact, last year, it was the most competitive power source in our electric energy bidding for new energy”, stated Albuquerque.

ISA was launched during the Climate Conference in Paris (COP 21), in 2015, and later formalized in New Delhi, India, on November 15, 2016, with the objectives of: (i) reducing the cost of solar energy; (ii) mobilizing more than US $ 1 trillion in investments for the massive implementation of solar energy by 2030; and (iii) paving the way for new technologies using the sun as a primary resource.

The request for Brazil's entry into ISA has already been forwarded by the Presidency of the Republic to the National Congress, on a priority basis, and awaits consideration by the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies. The Presidency's statement clarifies that Brazil's accession to ISA will not imply in any costs or resource contributions by the Brazilian government.