Press Release

Global Solar Council launches engagement initiative to hear solar businesses’ views on post-pandemic scenarios

GSC Survey 2021_Survey cover

Health emergency came as the solar market was growing fast: one year after, the Global Solar Council is monitoring the sector’s recovery

Solar sector needs information about how PV businesses have reacted to COVID-19 and their confidence in the future as national and regional government responses phase in

The Global Solar Council is launching a second survey to gather perspectives from the solar industry and its stakeholders on the recovery scenarios of PV markets

Policy makers need to understand whether stimulus packages are enabling a green recovery powered by clean and sustainable energy technologies including solar PV

The Global Solar Council is launching the second edition of an industry-wide survey to gather insights into possible post-pandemic scenarios for the solar market and the prospects for a green recovery.

The first edition of the Global Solar Council’s engagement initiative, rolled out in April 2020, focused on the impact that COVID-19 was having on companies operating in the solar energy sector. Once again, the Global Solar Council is directly engaging solar companies in collaboration with its members – regional and national solar associations covering major developed and developing markets – to complete the survey and contribute their experience and outlook.

The solar sector was impacted hard in 2020 with companies experiencing severe disruption in their day-to-day operations and supply chains, yet it demonstrated high resilience nonetheless and confirmed one of the only growing sectors in the global economy. Now, as vaccines and stimulus packages start to phase in globally, the GSC survey seeks to learn how solar companies judge governments’ emergency response, how they view their own growth prospects and hear what policies would most support their business outlook.

“The Global Solar Council, as the voice of the world’s solar industry on the global stage, stands together with its members and companies along the PV value chain and trusts the sector is able to resume its full growth potential,” said Gianni Chianetta, CEO of the Global Solar Council. “The second GSC survey will provide an insightful picture of businesses’ assessment for the near future as well as their views on government actions. The GSC will bring the findings to policymakers to encourage measures enabling solar to play its critical role in a clean, sustainable recovery for our economies.”

The results of the GSC survey will be published during the webinar “SOLAR PV AND THE POST-PANDEMIC RECOVERY SCENARIO - How the global industry is faring one year after the Coronavirus wake-up call” that will take place on 6 May 2021.

The Global Solar Council survey can be accessed at the following link:


Notes for editors

The Global Solar Council ( is the voice of the world’s solar energy industry, a non-profit body based in Washington D.C. representing national, regional and international associations as well as leading solar sector corporations. Founded at the 2015 Paris climate conference as a private-sector response to the climate emergency, the Global Solar Council brings together associations from both established and emerging markets that represent companies all along the solar supply chain.