Member/Partner News
ISES Solar World Congress - Call for Participation Launched

The call for participation in the ISES Solar World Congress 2023 (SWC 2023) has been launched! The SWC 2023 takes place in New Delhi, India, from 30 October to 4 November 2023.
You can submit your abstracts and proposals for the following formats:
- Oral presentation
- Poster Presentation
- Side events
Please find more details on the SWC 2023 website on how to submit your work.
In the spirit of the Solar World Congress 2023 theme, "Moving the world towards 100% renewable energy", ISES looks forward to receiving many excellent abstracts and proposals to create an outstanding technical program that will showcase a giant leap forward in making this goal a reality.
Learn more about the congress on our congress homepage and especially see the welcome message by Dave Renné, Chair of the International Organizing Committee here.