Member/Partner News
ISES SWC 2023 - Deadline for submissions extended

Due to many requests, the deadline for submitting abstracts and side event proposals for the ISES Solar World Congress 2023 (SWC 2023) has been extend to the 15 May 2023.
The SWC 2023 takes place in New Delhi, India, from 30 October - 04 November 2023. You are invited to participate in the SWC 2023 through the following formats:
* Oral presentations
* Poster presentations
* Side events
Learn more on the congress homepage or reach out to ISES at [email protected]
Affordable prices for consumers and companies
The average electricity price so far in April is €58.79/MWh, more than three times lower than the €213/MWh recorded in the same month last year. These data are the result of the introduction of 54.7% of renewable energies in the national energy mix in the first 18 days of April.
"The increase in the implementation of renewable energies in the national energy mix is leading to a standardized reduction in energy prices. For this implementation to continue to grow and more and more citizens benefit from it, at UNEF we are aware of the need to increase the presence of storage and different solutions, such as green hydrogen, so that a 100% renewable energy mix becomes a reality as soon as possible. Batteries will be as important as solar panels to achieve this," emphasized José Donoso.