Member/Partner News
Large-scale solar PV power plants reach 8 GW and exceed R$ 37.6 billion in investments in Brazil, informs ABSOLAR

In the last decade, these photovoltaic projects generated more than 241.9 thousand jobs and provided about R$ 12.5 billion in public taxes
São Paulo, March 2023 – Brazil has just surpassed the historic mark of 8 gigawatts (GW) of operational power in large-scale solar PV power plants, equivalent to more than half of the installed capacity of the Itaipu hydroelectric plant, the second largest in the world. According to the Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association (ABSOLAR), since 2012, the segment has already brought more than R$ 37.6 billion in new investments and more than 241.9 thousand accumulated jobs, in addition to providing about R$ 12.5 billion in public taxes.
For the chairman of ABSOLAR's Board of Administration, Ronaldo Koloszuk, the growth of large-scale solar PV power plants strengthens the sustainability and competitiveness of Brazilian productive sectors, increasingly important factors for the national economy and for the fulfillment of the environmental commitments assumed by the country.
“Finally, Brazil has woken up to solar PV energy and its benefits. The source helps to diversify the country's electricity supply, reducing pressure on water resources and the risk of further increases in the population's electricity bill,” says Koloszuk.
The CEO of ABSOLAR, Rodrigo Sauaia, emphasizes that the greater insertion of solar PV energy in large-scale power plants, in addition to being a competitive and clean source, is essential for the country to recover its economy and manage to grow. “The solar PV source is part of this solution and a true engine for generating opportunities, new jobs and income for citizens”, he points out.
Founded in 2013, the Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association (ABSOLAR) brings together companies and professionals from the entire production chain of the photovoltaic solar sector operating in Brazil including both, distributed and centralized Generation, and other clean technologies, including electric energy storage and green hydrogen. With national and international members of all sizes, the entity is a source of information and articulation in favor of the sustainable energy transition in Brazil.
For more information, please contact:
Thiago Nassa (MTb. 30.914)
TOTUM Comunication
+55 (11) 99544 4954
Miriam Lovita – Comunication and Marketing
Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association – ABSOLAR
+55 (11) 3197 4560