Member/Partner News

Solar PV reaches 23.9 gigawatts (GW) of installed power and is now the second largest source in Brazil, ABSOLAR reports

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Since 2012, more than R$ 120.8 billion have been invested, and over 705,000 jobs have been created.

São Paulo, January 2023 - With 23.9 gigawatts (GW), solar PV has become the second-largest installed power in Brazil. It has now surpassed wind power, with 23.8 GW, and is second only to hydro, which has 109.7 GW, according to a survey by the Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy (ABSOLAR).

The 23.9 GW includes large-scale power plants and small and medium-sized self-generation systems in households, businesses, industries, rural properties, and public buildings. In the last decade, more than R$ 120.8 billion have been invested, over 705,000 jobs have been created, and R$ 38 billion have been collected to the public coffers. The electricity provided by solar PV facilities has also avoided the emission of 33.3 million tons of CO2.

According to ABSOLAR’s CEO, Mr. Rodrigo Sauaia, the advancement of Solar PV, especially with the large plants connected to the national grid, is essential for Brazil's economic, social, and environmental development. Solar PV helps to diversify the country's electricity supply, reduces pressure on water resources, and helps to mitigate increases in the electricity bill.

“The expansion of solar sources also strengthens sustainability, the energy transition, and the economy's competitiveness”, Mr. Sauaia adds.

“Large-scale solar PV plants generate electricity at prices up to ten times lower than emergency thermal plants or electricity imported from neighboring countries last year,” he says. “Thanks to the versatility and agility of this technology, it takes less than 18 months from an auction for a solar PV facility to be operational. Thus, solar PV is recognized as a leader when it comes to the speed of adding new generation plants to the system,” Mr. Sauaia says.

“By the end of this year, we expect to pass 1 million jobs created in the country since 2012. Brazil has one of the best solar resources on earth; however, there is yet a lack of good public policies so that the country can exercise its full potential”, concludes Ronaldo Koloszuk, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABSOLAR.


Founded in 2013, the Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association (ABSOLAR) brings together companies and professionals from the entire production chain of the photovoltaic solar sector operating in Brazil including both, distributed and centralized generation. ABSOLAR coordinates represents and defends the development of the photovoltaic solar energy sector and market in Brazil. The association promotes and disseminates the use of this clean, renewable and sustainable energy in the country and represents the Brazilian photovoltaic sector internationally.

For more information, please, contact:

Thiago Nassa (MTb. 30,914)

TOTUM Communication

+55 11 99544 4954

Miriam Lovita – Communication and Marketing

Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy – ABSOLAR

+55 11 3197 4560

[email protected]