Member/Partner News
Spain consolidates as the country with the cheapest energy in Europe thanks to solar energy.

The Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF), the majority association of solar energy in Spain with 782 companies, celebrates that Spain currently has the cheapest energy price in Europe, according to data from Red Eléctrica and various European energy operators. In addition, for more than seven hours yesterday, Spain managed to maintain electricity prices at zero euros, which is a historic event in the European electricity market.
"While most of Europe pays prices of €100/MWh, Spain stays at €25/MWh, thanks to solar energy and its low costs, which represents an economic advantage that is happening more frequently. These data are the result of a perfect equation: more hours of sunshine than the rest of our European neighbors, available land compatible with other economic activities and leading companies. If we continue to take advantage of the opportunity that solar energy presents in Spain, we will have an economic advantage never seen before for our citizens and business fabric," recalled José Donoso, general director of UNEF.
The Spanish Photovoltaic Union emphasizes the importance of continuing to promote the development of solar energy in Spain to consolidate the leadership position in solar energy production and continue improving the competitiveness of our economy while ensuring the energy security of our country and fighting against the climate emergency. "Spain is today an example to follow in Europe in the production of solar energy and in achieving competitive prices in the electricity market. From the need to strongly combat the climate emergency through the integration of clean and cheap energy, we have built the opportunity to transform our society through the achievement of a fair and sustainable energy transition that reduces energy costs for companies and families but has a great capacity to generate new jobs," Donoso stressed.
Affordable prices for consumers and companies
The average electricity price so far in April is €58.79/MWh, more than three times lower than the €213/MWh recorded in the same month last year. These data are the result of the introduction of 54.7% of renewable energies in the national energy mix in the first 18 days of April.
"The increase in the implementation of renewable energies in the national energy mix is leading to a standardized reduction in energy prices. For this implementation to continue to grow and more and more citizens benefit from it, at UNEF we are aware of the need to increase the presence of storage and different solutions, such as green hydrogen, so that a 100% renewable energy mix becomes a reality as soon as possible. Batteries will be as important as solar panels to achieve this," emphasized José Donoso.