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Photovoltaic self-consumption installed in Spain grew by 108% compared to 2021

According to the data registered by the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF), the majority association of solar energy in Spain that already has 770 companies, last year there were 2,507 MW of new solar energy for self-consumption. This data is 108% higher than in 2021, the year in which there were 1,203 MW.
According to the data collected by UNEF, Spain already has 5,249 MW of cumulative installed power for self-consumption. Regarding the distribution by sectors, the majority of this new power, 47%, has been installed in the industrial sector, 32% in the residential sector, 20% in the commercial sector, with the remaining 1% being isolated self-consumption .
For its part, and according to the study carried out annually by the Spanish Photovoltaic Union, the sectoral association considers that there would already be around 200,500 residential installations with self-consumption in Spain. It should be noted that the sector that has increased its installation percentage the most, from 41% to 47%, in 2022 has been the industrial sector.
“The high prices of electricity motivated by the uncertainty caused after the invasion of Ukraine, as well as the promotion of the aid contemplated within the Government Recovery Funds have caused self-consumption to continue breaking records in our country. In addition, the first collective self-consumption projects are beginning to come into operation, a trend that will increase and further boost the sector”, stated José Donoso, General Director of UNEF.
Donoso recalls that the simplification of administrative barriers to self-consumption and the elimination of building permits in practically all the Autonomous Communities, only the País Vasco maintains it, is positioning Spain once again at the forefront of clean and competitive energy generation.
“The progressive elimination of administrative barriers and local incentives have also made more and more individuals become self-consumers, thus joining the fight against climate change. This is generating a demonstration effect that will make self-consumption become such a common element in our homes and businesses.", he recalled.
Self-consumption exceeds the milestone of 5GW of installed power
Figures that have revealed that, once the milestone of 5GW of installed power for self-consumption at a national level has been passed, Spain is advancing at cruising speed in meeting the objectives set in the Self-consumption Roadmap published by the Ministry of the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge in 2021 with the aim of accelerating the energy transition of our country in record time.
"Self-consumption will continue the growing trend this year, one only has to observe the progression it has experienced after the elimination of the "Sun Tax" in 2018: in 2019 it obtained 459 MW of power, 596 MW in 2020, 1,203 MW in 2021 and 2,507 GW in 2022.", stressed Donoso.
Generation and recruitment of professionals, the challenge of the sector
The good data presented by the Spanish Photovoltaic Union regarding the growth of self-consumption highlight the need for the solar energy sector in Spain to train, attract and retain professionals so that this growth trend can be sustained over time.
For this reason, from the majority sectoral association of solar energy in Spain, a line of work is being carried out to mitigate the lack of professionals, which the sector has already detected, through the elaboration of a specific Training Plan and the work Coordinated with training centers and universities.